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[New post] Headlines and Updates for May 18, 2020: Revving Up the Revolution & Revelations [videos]


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Headlines and Updates for May 18, 2020: Revving Up the Revolution & Revelations [videos]

by Starship Earth: The Big Picture

To all the Canucks out there, happy May Two-Four Weekend. It's partially cancelled and you can thank the cabal for that when you can't go camping or gather with friends and family the way you'd like. Hopefully you can still grab a two-four and drown your sorrows.

QAnon didn't disappoint yesterday on the "17th" of May, leaving 17 crumbs for us. See all those here. So far today we have the 'freedom flag' and one other post.

In case you missed it...

Face Masks Pose Serious Risk to Healthy People. No Scientific Evidence That Masks Are Effective Against COVID-19 Transmission, Neurosurgeon Says

An important CV point to note: While there is a face mask exemption form available, it's just a loop hole to get around tyrannical measures. It's a Band-aid---not a solution. The People are going to have to take action to correct the problem.

Everyone who lives in a tyrannical state under a corrupt governor needs to place a call directly to the office of Attorney General Willliam Barr and file a complaint.

Here's your chance to take action and do something constructive for the cause. Call 202-514-2000, leave your name, where you live/State, and your complaint so the Dept. of Justice can take action against the governors.

Here's what else AG Barr has been dealing with in terms of the Pensacola, Florida naval base shooting. Video at the link.

FBI cracks devices – discover shocking secret & slams Apple for failing to open up terrorist’s phone!

This is a suggestive Tweet...

notice the parsing of words.

There are TWO different operations occurring. One is 'criminal', that's handled by Barr and Durham. The other, a more secretive one, is a military counterintelligence Op.

'Enemies both foreign and domestic'.

Justice will be served, no one escapes. https://t.co/8v1EX1twfu

— Trumpster (@Gettingtrump) May 18, 2020

It's crazy all over the world---and for the Chinese to revolt this way speaks volumes as to the extent of the treachery of their government and their tolerance level at this point.

And this is what we call basic dictatorship! https://t.co/ecDoTUGvpS

— Lynda. (@LilyTbd) May 18, 2020

I watched an interesting video from Logic Before Authority last night which has already been removed by YouTube. It was footage from a fellow in the UK of a circuit board he was saying was in a cell tower and it said COV-19 right on the circuit board. Here's the Bitchute version. Interesting, esp. when YouTube so quickly removed Daniel's video. This is less than one minute long.


It seems the world is pissed at China.

Over 100 Nations Push for Independent Probe into WHO and CCP Virus Origin

Here's some news we don't know whether to believe or not. After months we hear of new CV cases exploding in China. Really?

Did they learn nothing from the first round? Don't they have any Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin-Zinc? It sounds like they're setting up the global stage for that "second wave" the psychopaths so desperately want to force mail-in voting in America. Taking out Trump is all that matters to them.

Timing is everything.

Excerpt: Eric Trump had this to say...

“They think they’re taking away Donald Trump’s greatest tool, which is being able to go into an arena and fill it with 50,000 people every single time…,” Trump said. “And you watch, they’ll milk it every single day between now and Nov. 3. And guess what, after Nov. 3 coronavirus will magically, all of a sudden, go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen.”

Officials in Northeastern China Sacked as Locals Describe Escalating Virus Outbreak


I'm sharing this older video from Cirsten W Bitchute channel for a couple of reasons, but mostly because of the video from Gene she includes of the children removed from the tunnels. When one million doses of Hydroxychloroquine disappear, it speaks to the magnitude and pre-planning involved in the Kung Flu plandemic as well as FEMA's complicity.

FEMA has horded than a million doses of Hydroxychloroquine,Disturbing Images of the Rescued Children



I haven't watched this one yet but it comes recommended. Thirty minutes long to connect the dots.

"THE White Rabbit" and the Holy Grail


It's frightening to see how people are so easily led. Anyone who believes what the CBC says will be brainwashed. They want everyone to wear a mask so they tell readers nearly everyone is wearing one. My mother says different.

Why attitudes toward mask wearing are quickly changing in Canada and the U.S.

Here's an important short article from Corey's Digs. It's up to us. Stand up! Take charge! Know your rights and ignore bullies.

The Solution Has Always Been YOU


We continue to get headlines about UFOs and what's in our skies. Anything can be synthesized, it seems. How do we know what's real and what's not?

US Reveals Navy Laser That Creates Plasma ‘UFOs’ To Fool Enemies


And this is perplexing; a second military jet crash in as many days---this one in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.

The reporter who died was from Halifax, Nova Scotia. I wonder if she knew anything about the shooting rampage/fires and mass murder that took place on April 18/19 that we still have no answers for.

There have been a number of crashes and deaths in the Snowbird squadron over the years but two jet crashes in two days in the US and Canada seems a bit much.

Canadian Forces Snowbird plane crashes in B.C., killing one

With video: Snowbird jet crashes into Kamloops house


One of the callers on Scott Mowry's Miracles Intel Call on Sunday told us about this next video and it is fascinating! Must watch, folks. They want us to forget the old ways of healing and resort to pills and toxic potions. Bad move. We can heal ourselves.

I would add that Dr. Rashid Buttar told us the same thing as this research shows: that a virus is created by the body when cellular imbalance occurs, and if we're not getting the right vitamins and minerals we can experience these issues.

This should dispel the fear and rumours around COVID-19 and provide a solid foundation for understanding the fake plandemic and staying healthy.

There are truths here equivalent to the fact that it isn't fat that makes us fat. We need fats and oils. Our brain is mainly fat. By eating consistent "low calorie" and "fat-free" foods we are doing the exact opposite of what our body needs. We're starving our cells.

Providing doctors with little more than an hour or so of nutritional education at med school is one of the worst crimes imaginable. The Merck Desk Manual is not substitute for sound biology and nutritional education.

Corona Debunked by Biochemistry [Mirrored] Share

Along similar lines, I listened to this discussion on CRROW777 with Clive de Carle. With a few simple building blocks we can maintain a vibrant, healthy body and for the most part remain dis-ease-free---but that would bankrupt the medical industrial complex in America.

You may have heard that the tyrants are censoring videos and articles about Vitamin C for Covid 19. They discuss how these two powerful substances can easily change our lives.

220- The Magic of Vitamin C and Magnesium – Results during this Episode


Dave's X22 Report brings us up to speed.

Countdown Is A Go, We Are At Week 3 Of 10, Boom Weeks, Incoming - Episode 2176b

Time to lighten up. You'll love this. Read more here.

That's the end for now. Lots more on the back burner.  ~ BP



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