Today Q is explaining the current strategy of the Earth Alliance. Optics are everything. It's a "movie" after all. No matter how it appears, it's not how it looks. Trust The Plan---the Earth Alliance, plan. The cabal has their own plan and they are executing it as best they can but it's pathetic at this point, isn't it? They are no longer stealthy and have alerted thinking people everywhere with their blatant tactis.

How about a nice game of chess.📁
Objective [end]: checkmate king
Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?
Do you attack and remove pawns first?
Do you attack and remove bishops, rooks, knights next?
Do you attack and remove queen mid-to-end?
Is the game being played public or private?
Do emotions affect critical thinking?
Add: important king control pieces [elim rogue elements]?
Add: how do you set the stage [board] re: public opinion [optics]?
“At this time.”

Read the other Q drops here.

I hope  you made lots of popcorn, me hearties---it's getting wilder by the day. Get a load of this:

Gavin Newsom Worried About ‘Potential Third Waves’ of Coronavirus

A THIRD wave! And Mayor de Blasio is telling New York residents they will rip them out of the water if they go to the beach! What will the People do---and how soon? How do they perceive the "house arrests"? Where is the red line, exactly?

Of course WE know there will not be a third wave---or even a second. This shit-show is almost over, but we have to wake up the ones under the spell. They have to be introduced to reality.

Viruses, pandemics, and diseases have been created and used by the control freaks for centuries to control us and cull the herd. We've all had to suffer because the masses have Stockholm Syndrome. It's time to pry their eyes open and force them to look at the appalling situation on this planet, and the fact that we are prey.

Some of us have speculated that President Trump and other members of his cabinet may have been taking HCQ as a preventive measure. He confirms in the video below and of course the press freaked out. He dropped it so casually. What a shit disturber he is.  ;0)

Now that we know about the exceptional preventives (other than a vaccine) and the marvelous results doctors are getting with the HCQ/Z pack protocol we can relax. AND... in case you missed the video we shared recently...

...Bill Gates and his side kick Anthony Fauci along with the Big Pharma have lost a massive court case in the USA. The Supreme Court ruled that it shall not be mandatory to have a vaccine; also that there was no valid proof that many vaccines were safe. Yes, the conspiracy theorists were correct on those counts as well. Who knew? Trump knew.

Robert Kennedy Jr. has been fighting the vaccine battle a long time. Below is a recent video interview. It must be exciting to guys like Bobby, Del Bigtree, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and others who have been exposing the dangers of vaccines for so long and have been shut down equally as long.

The medical industrial complex has done their best to destroy their careers, reputations, and personal lives, but they never stopped doing what they knew must be done. Even a few veterinarians have provided alternatives to vaccines for pets but it's a huge business and the psychopaths have no qualms about harming our fur babies and causing suffering for them, either.

Finally, due to a crisis and President Trump's mission to reveal all truths and protect the American people, the public is listening.

Robert Kennedy, Jr, comes out fighting against those in mainstream media and the Internet who are trying to block him from expressing concerns about vaccines. As a lawyer preparing lawsuits against vaccine companies for damages from their products, his research led him to the realization that the industry is criminally corrupt. In this interview by Patrick Bet-David, Kennedy describes what lies have been forced on the public to cover up the corruption. The truth, therefore, is the opposite of what we have been told.

Kennedy says his research shows: (1) You are more apt to contract a disease from a vaccinated person than one who is not vaccinated! (2) Vaccines kill more people than the diseases do! (3) Vaccines are insanely profitable to the companies that make them, but that is peanuts compared to the profit from selling drugs and devices to treat illnesses the vaccines create! The business model of the pharmaceutical industry is, not to make people well, but to treat their symptoms and keep them sick so they will be customers for life!

These are just a few of the jaw-dropping facts that Kennedy discovered in documents from the companies themselves. He offers references and sources to verify the accuracy of his statements.

It is impossible to make sense of the push for mandatory vaccinations without the information in this interview. Kennedy's knowledge of the CIA’s role in the assassinations of JFK and RFK (his Uncle and father) is a startling addition.

Watch the RFK video at this link. See the other outstanding videos at Red Pill University, too.


A number of sources show us photos of people like Mike Pence, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Hillary Clinton, and others and we understand that the military has probably removed the worst of the criminals and in some cases inserted clones or doubles to play their roles in this "movie". The element of danger had to be eliminated to control and stabilize the situation so the education process could continue safely. It's a theory, but quite possible.

Bill Gates is a mere shadow of his former self, we suspect. The US Military will never allow him to have his way with us. This is an excellent overview of the long term vision to control the Human population and enrich the global "elite" who have been running the show on Earth.

His, and their, depopulation schedule is cancelled.

The US election is going to dominate the news cycle for various reasons. Of course the few families who have been running the planet are on their way out and are fighting for their lives. They have nothing to lose so are going all out to ensure they are returned to positions of power. Lie, cheat, steal... it's what they have always done and they're not about to change. They're finished, no matter what they do.

HUGE SCANDAL: Oregon Changes Hundreds Of Republican Ballots To “Non Partisan” Denying GOP Voters the Right To Participate In Primary

Yes, hysteria is prevalent in many forms, from store shelves empty of facial and bathroom tissue to zombies driving around in their cars wearing face masks.

This is an interesting and revealing article about situations bubbling beneath the surface of the more sensational, mainstream headlines.  Thanks, J.

Trump Executes Most Powerful Order In History To Throw All American Companies Out Of China

General Flynn's case has yet to be laid to rest. Justice is on a tear.

Flynn Files Emergency Petition With U.S. Court Of Appeals To Replace Judge And Dismiss Case

Republican Attorneys General Urge Federal Judge to Dismiss Flynn Case

Here is the news update from  And We Know.

AWK News 5.18.20: "We caught them!" said President Donald Trump. Week 3 Booms coming!

We must continue to be cautious of who and what we listen to because the cabal's shills and trolls are doing their best to disrupt the information flow in the independent news community. They will sow division by publishing outright lies and you have to know your subject to avoid being thrown off by their disinformation war strategies. Saying something doesn't make it so. Truth and facts matter.

If someone you (and we) find a valuable resource is suddenly said to be acting or talking like they are part of the deep state, then it could be an attack to drive confused and uninformed people to disregard their information. It's unfortunate when good people who have sacrificed their time and reputation to educate us are forced to spend valuable resources defending themselves and their message.

Case in point: A particularly bright light in the alternative news, Dr. Rashid Buttar, seems to have been the target of some disinformation and someone suggested he is a proponent of fiveG. It's the opposite.

I've been researching in the medical field for about 20 years and virtually everything Dr.Rashid says is in line with what I believe to be true. I simply don't believe it will come to the point he is anticipating because the White Hats will probably step in but people need to know the cabal's plot, regardless.

I'm going to share another excellent discussion from Dr. Buttar from May 18, loaded with factual, basic information to further the greater understanding of the current situation in which we find ourselves, worldwide. His scientific knowledge comes through in basic language anyone can grasp and makes it easier to have a solid knowledge base from which to draw if we find ourselves in a position to impart information to others.

He explains that wearing a mask is like putting up a chain link fence to keep a fly out. It does not provide protection against COVID or any other virus. In fact, the mask is the worst thing we can do, and he explains why. It's not rocket science. It's just more common sense for the Common Sense Revolution.

Dr. Buttar is recognized by patriots everywhere; from Moscow, to Madrid, to Montreal, to Montana and Melbourne; he's a star and the big picture comes into clear focus with this discussion. It's so good, I can't shut him off.

He tells us of an exciting event upcoming with hundreds of doctors. Big names all coming to North Carolina for this conference; the only "medical conference". Tickets required for this two day event; live and virtual. May 23-24 Memorial Day weekend. Sounds amazing. He discusses that after the 50 minute mark. Links are beneath the video on YouTube.

He gives particular attention to a special call on the Sunday night of May 24, 8:30 pm Eastern for law enforcement, military, firefighters, etc. because he says when the second wave comes and they hype it up and scare people when they're getting sick again and the uninformed are screaming for the vaccine the cabal will provide, there will be civil disobedience and the peacekeepers and civil servants need to know how to handle it; to remember their oath to protect and keep the peace.

He says we must not use force or violence to get people to take the vaccine because it will kill millions, and will destroy quality of life for others, even in subsequent generations because it will affect our DNA.

Dr. Buttar says thousands of LEOs and military have contacted them and said they want information and they will uphold their oath. Please listen to the end as he discusses being in contact with the White House, and Trump's plan for the vaccines. Remember---optics. Keeping the peace. Removing fear.

Our power comes from knowledge, love, and unity. Hold onto the love and gratitude.

Public Weekly Live Stream of May 18, 2020 | Dr Rashid A Buttar

Why do we continue to speak out about vaccines? There is no question as to the dramatic effects that occur in some cases mere hours after injecting children with the toxic ingredients in these concoctions. Watch the seizures this infant experiences.

Bottom line, folks, the situation is what it is, and we will rise to the occasion and come out the other side, stronger, wiser, and empowered. Oh---and FREE!

This is another excellent viewpoint from Dr. Jeff Barke in California, about being sidelines, blocked and attacked, and the problems the COVID plandemic is causing.

He mentions a report that in Ontario, Canada 30 people died because their heart surgeries were deemed unnecessary or "non-essential". Who gets to play God?

He says, "Driving in your car with gloves and a mask on---we've entered into crazy town." Don't miss this one. Concise and to the point.

Orange County Dr. Jeff Barke Breaks His Silence on COVID 19

We need to keep putting out the information that will enable the masses to understand the big picture, stand up for their rights, and stamp out tyranny. The removal of the parasites must be understood to be the only way forward. Crimes will be exposed, and appropriate consequences levied.

Aside from genocide, the most heinous of all the crimes perpetrated on Humanity are the Human Rights abuses; Human trafficking, child sex crimes, cannibalism, and satanic ritual abuse.

Covert ops are underway to stop this and it is the true global pandemic. Other crimes are secondary but far more visible. The scourge of vermin on our planet will be eradicated, but it's a lengthy process due to the sheer size of the Human trafficking web and number of pedophiles.

Most people will have great difficulty accepting what has been happening on our planet. It's time to break through the trance and make it all public. That is the only way to stop it and prevent it from ever happening again.

Allan Dershowitz' name is on at least one passenger manifest for Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" to Epstein Island so we're watching him closely. Methinks he doth protest too much.

Various individuals in leadership positions continue to step up and offer guidance and encouragement to the People and their fellowship. Good job! An oath is more sacred to some than others. Unfortunately, most physicians have no problem forgetting any sense of obligation to "do no harm". They seem more in"doc"trinated than any other field. Automatons. And they're treated like gods. How dare you question the great and powerful wizard of ills! It's refreshing to see that some people think for themselves and are a catalyst for change.

A Word to My Fellow Law Enforcement Officers

To close, we have some uplifting music. Thanks, C.

Every day is worth waking up to, my friends, and amazing times lie ahead for us all. We just need to weather the storm.  ~ BP